jeudi 29 mars 2007

Illustration Friday : I spy

Before it's too late, here is my submission to this week's IF :

Everyone watching anyone watching anything.
But who really cares about him ? Who really acts ? Who really wants to ?

Once upon a time...

The giant, the cat, the girl and the snow, by Alecska at Photobucket

Sometimes, I make uncommon dreams...

We were walking in a forest, and there was a lot of snow.
A giant was talking about ancient times, and respect due to all living creatures.
Then I saw a little black cat on the path, very thin and with golden eyes.
I took him in my arms, but he didn't stay quiet. He walked in front of us, just as if he was showing us the way.
We arrived at a big enlightened mansion, full of children, at diner time.
We sat with them, and nobody noticed...

Parfois je fais des rêves singuliers...

Nous marchions dans la forêt et il y avait une épaisse couche de neige. Un géant nous parlait des temps passés, et de respect des créatures vivantes.
En arrivant dans une clairière, je vis un petit chat noir sur le chemin, tout fin avec des yeux d’or. Je le pris dans mes bras, mais il ne tenait pas en place. Il marcha devant nous, comme pour nous montrer la route.
Et nous arrivâmes devant de grandes bâtisses éclairées, emplies d’enfants bruyants à l’heure du diner. Nous nous installâmes avec eux, comme si de rien n’était…

vendredi 23 mars 2007

Images hosting and sharing

Today, I've learnt via Drawn! that Flickr is now going to officially accept illustration images, not only photography.
Due to the censor I've heard about, I had open a Woomp account. But the service is most of the time slow or unavailable.

I already have two Flickr accounts, so I'm giving a try to Photobucket. The design is awful and there are advertisements everywhere... but the great thing is that it accepts upload from a web url: I could backup all my images directly from woomp or blogger, without having to download to my computer first !

mercredi 14 mars 2007

La jolie Fleur tatouée

Click image to view larger

A song that thrill me everytime I hear it
(Wrong line - The Green Armchair - Agoria).
Some news of someone who is far and free.
And my imagination goes well.

Mixed media :
- a pen drawing,
- some parts of a japanese calendar,
- and a postcard too.
All that was scanned, then arranged and enhanced in Photoshop.
[Paper texture from exchanged-stock]
[Textile texture from ALP-Stock]
[The piece of text is an extract of a short prose I wrote]

samedi 10 mars 2007

Um outro pastoreio

Website :
Weblog :

I've just stumble accross an incredible graphic novel, "Um Outro Pastoreio".
I don't understand brazilian language but the story is about a boy who has been burried in an ant's nest.
The mix between photography, drawing and sculpture makes a wonderful universe.
And it gives me ideas... :)

Je viens de découvrir un incroyable roman graphique, "Um Outro Pastoreio".
Je ne comprends pas le brésilien mais je sais que l'histoire, tiré d'une légende, parle d'un garçon qui a été enterré dans une fourmilière.
Les auteurs utilisent à la fois photo, dessin, sculpture et vidéo. Le mélange donne un univers assez magique.
Et cela me donne des idées... :)

[via ArtSkills]

jeudi 8 mars 2007

Violence ordinaire

click image to view larger

Just after watching a TV add about domestic violence.
I remembered that I have a picture similar to the one showed.

Note :
No woman were hurt during the process :)
Wounds and stitches are provided by Aniar and trisste Photoshop brushes.

mardi 6 mars 2007

Bloom and Chaos

Gouache/tempera on paper.

Something to try, something to explore.
I was listening, in my head, to Mozart's Requiem.
The music going crescendo then exploding !

vendredi 2 mars 2007


Strong tempera on Canson paper.

The title refers to WW1, it's what a friend said when he saw that.
And I was thinking about teen age, between 14 and 18 years old, the most sensitive period of a life.

There is Hope, anger and depression. That's how I felt during my own teenage time.
Confusion with what we were told and taught, what we were seeing around us, and what we were dreaming of.

I don't claim to be a painter, I just want to express my emotions through all visual arts I can access.
I'm a photographer at first, and this is also why I take pictures of my pieces, and of what surround it when creating.

It was a real pleasure to throw drop of colors all around, more expressive to me than flat lines.
So my roomate show me a book about Jackson Pollock and abstract expressionism painters, and then I realize that maybe I could understand modern art ;)